A Miyawaki forest in Târgu Mureș

Miyawaki-forest, a mini-ecosystem Forests are one of the most complex life forms on Earth. For this reason, only places with specific climates and characteristics are suitable to support a forest. Through a process of succession in nearly 1000 years weeds and grasses...

Biodiversity and climate resilience enhancement

Project The biodiversity and the climate resilience enhancement of the Hășmaș and the Țarcu Mountains In February 2020, particularly strong winds and storms caused the felling of hundreds of hectares of spruce (Picea abies) in the forests of the Hășmaș and Țarcu....
Ecological restoration of a Transylvanian pasture

Ecological restoration of a Transylvanian pasture

Project Ecological restoration of a Transylvanian (Romania) pasture Numerous studies about Transylvanian wood pastures have shown that they are more valuable habitats, both ecologically and socio-culturally, than mere woodless pastures. Recently, these wood pastures,...
The story of the oak forests of Ciuc

The story of the oak forests of Ciuc

Project The story of the oak forests of Ciuc Given the age of the Earth history, it would be too long to describe the bio-geology history of the small “continent”, we call the Ciuc (Csíki) basin (Transylvania, Romania), although a brief look back, may help...
Ecosystem Rehabilitation in the Retezat Mountauns

Ecosystem Rehabilitation in the Retezat Mountauns

Project Ecosystem Rehabilitation in the Retezat Mountauns We partially restored 3 hectares of mixed forest in a degraded area by planting the original plant species of woody vegetation. Our goal is to reintroduce the same tree species as the forest composition before...